Speaker details

Vitor Ferreira

ICS-UL - Sociólogo e Investigador

Vitor Sérgio Ferreira holds a PhD in Sociology at ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute. Currently he is assistant researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon, where he coordinates the research group LIFE – Life Course, Inequality and Solidarity: Practices and Policies, and co-coordinates the Permanent Observatory of Youth. Its main research interests are related to youth cultures and transitions to adulthood. Currently he is PI of the research project Making dream jobs come true: transitions to new attractive professional worlds for young people, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (REF. No. PTDCCS-SOC 1227272010), where he is researching different forms of labour training and transition of young people who want to be chefs, footballers, models, tattooists and DJs. For further information about the research project, see http://newdreamjobs.wix.com/dreamjobs . He is publishing in international journals as Youth Society and Young-Nordic Journal of Youth Research, among others. For a more detailed profile, visit http://vitorsergioferreira.net/